Travel writing. Sponsored trips to exotic destinations, a paycheck to see beautiful places and write about them… For many people, it’s the dream lifestyle!
In today’s episode, Gabi Logan joins us to talk about the realities of the travel writing lifestyle, as well as the practicalities of how to do it successfully.
Learn what it’s really like to be a travel writer; where, how, and how often to pitch your work as a travel writer; the real truth about sponsored trips…and enjoy plenty of travel stories and tips along the way!
When I first met Scott Brills four years ago his business card listed him as a “Man of Leisure”.
Since then I still haven’t quite figured out what it is that Scott ACTUALLY does, other than it’s quite a bit of everything.
Until today.
Scott joins me today to finally shed some light on what it is he actually does as the co-owner of a Safari company, Japanese Tour operator, and web designer (plus a bunch of other random things).
He regales us with stories from Japan, Tanzania, Mongolia, and the Shoe-barus. It’s quite the journey!
Join us today to learn more about starting a business abroad, how to go about running a marathon with no training, and to hear some great travel tips for Japan! We’re almost as varied as Scott’s professional life!
Do you think you could run a marathon with no training? Share with us at @ExtraPackofPeanuts!!
To celebrate 4.5 years and 300 episodes (!!!), Trav and Heather decide to have a little fun and grill one another by putting each other on the hot seat and answering 15 travel questions apiece.
The person on the hot seat has no idea what questions will be asked and has to give the first answer that comes into their head for questions ranging from “what’s your favorite accommodation ever” to “when were you the most frustrated with me while traveling” and everything in between.
Today’s episode has been sponsored by our friends at Tortuga Backpacks!
In this special 3 part collaboration, Trav & Jason go over the most beautiful places in the world that they’ve been!
On Zero to Travel you’ll find 20-11, here you’ll find 10-1, and on the Location Indie podcast we’re doing a Top 16 Places We Want To Visit as a bonus episode!
We’re also very excited to announce that Location Indie, only open to the public a couple of times a year is (if you’re listening live) open! Check it out here:!
You learn about yourself, about the world, and about your partner in potentially illegal border crossings.
For the past five years Heather and I have been location independent, and for a while, completely nomadic and we’ve had quite a few mishaps along the way.
We managed to narrow the list down to 32 lessons to share, though we could probably think of hundreds! Really, you should have seen the initial list.