But sometimes there are aspects of location independence that aren’t so ideal.
It can be quite a roller coaster when you travel while you work. Lack of work triggers, travel issues, bad wifi, the list of things that can, and do, go wrong is endless.
And yet we keep coming back for more!
Today Jason joins me to talk about the not so glamorous side of being location independent and to reveal our new super-secret (until now) community made just for people who have or are looking for this type of lifestyle.
Take the time to really learn yourself and figure out WHY you like to do things, and what those things are.
Then take action.
Byron achieves his location independence by living out of his van. He believes that each of us has the potential to be everything we want to be. If only we knew what that was.
Today we chat about the practicalities of living out of a van, Burning Man, and giving yourself the space to figure things out.
Byron leaves us with fantastic advice and resources and presents a case that will have you checking your own compass more frequently!
Byron lives out of a Toyota Previa, so a lot of his personal resources are specific to that marvel of modern engineering. Here’s some website he uses for that
What happens when you put two digital nomads on a podcast together?
We geek out about location independent lifestyles.
Today, we have on Rob from Making It Anywhere, a site that shows people how to start making a living while traveling the world.
From questions like
“I want to be a Digital Nomad, but where on earth do I start?” to “I don’t have the kind of skills for location independence.”
we cover it all.
We chat about how Rob and Mish (his wife and business partner) started their journey to becoming digital nomads through Fiverr and Elance before slowly moving their way up the digital ladder to bigger projects and income streams.
Advice on every topic relating to being a digital nomad is discussed, from where to start and how to think outside the box to travel schedules and finding other like-minded people on the road.
If there’s one thing to take away from this podcast, it’s this:
Many of you dream of being location independent or living abroad for an extended period of time.
Of engaging in a place and culture, rather than just traveling through it.
And no one is a bigger expert in this field than John Bardos of JetSetCitizen, who has started, run, and sold his own business in another country, has launched a successful location independent lifestyle, and has lived abroad for the last 17 years.
Today, John discusses the actual costs of living abroad, tells us some of his favorite home bases, and helps dispel some of the rumors surrounding a location independent lifestyle.
He also gives his best tips and advice for how someone who wishes to pursue living abroad can get started and what they can do to set themselves up while still at home.
There are 17 years of wisdom packed into this podcast, and you won’t want to miss it!