Best Meals: 2019 In Review

Extra Pack of Peanuts 406 Best Meals- 2019 In Review

We return with Part 3 of  in our Year in Review Series

Check out Part 1: Superlatives

Check out Part 2: Travel Stats

If you know anything about us, it’s that we love to eat. And boy did we eat a lot in 2019!

Today Heather and I are going to go through our top 12 meals of the year (each) for a total of 24 awesome places around the world that you should definitely check out if you’re going to be in the neighborhood!

From Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina to Philadelphia and Maine, we truly span the globe with today’s episode!

What were your favorite meals of 2019? If you get to hit up any of the places we list then please let us know @ExtraPackofPeanuts! If you go to anywhere we have ever discussed please snap a pic & post on Instagram and hashtag #EPOPSentUs

Click here to download the episode directly.

Check out the entire library of EPoP Travel Podcasts on iTunes.

Do you have travel questions for Trav about travel or travel hacking? Tweet us @packofpeanuts or Instagram with #askepop to @extrapackofpeanuts, or even on Facebook! Anywhere you can find us!

In This Episode

  • 06:10 Honorable Mentions
  • 12:48 The List Begins
  • 19:25 The Most Expensive Place In Sarajevo
  • 25:10 OH Canada!
  • 30:35 Croatia FTW
  • 35:00 Best Fish & Chips
  • 38:10 2nd Closest To Trav & Heather
  • 42:10 Delicious Mexico
  • 45:00 Closet Place To Trav & Heather
  • 47:42 Heather Is Too Excited To Talk About This Place
  • 54:20 Back to Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • 59:30 Bringing It Back To Philly
  • 01:04:25 Mainly Maine
  • 01:12:25 Standing Tall in Portland
  • 01:15:30 Drum Roll Please….#1’s

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Bosnia & Herzegovina










New Jersey




Philly Suburbs




Prince Edward County


Victoria, Canada

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Croatian Mishaps

Just because we consider ourselves travelers doesn’t mean that we are immune to travel mishaps, both those in our control and those out of our control, and today’s episode will cover our 8 mishaps during our 11 day trip to Croatia & Bosnia. Yep, you read that right, 8 mishaps in 11 days which may be a new record for us. Enjoy!

Today’s episode has been sponsored by our friends at SUAVS & Tortuga Backpacks!

Click here to download the episode directly.

What have been your biggest travel mishaps and how did you deal with it? Let us know @ExtraPackofPeanuts!

Check out the entire library of EPoP Travel Podcasts on iTunes.

Do you have travel questions for Trav about travel or travel hacking? Tweet us @packofpeanuts or Instagram with #askepop to @extrapackofpeanuts, or even on Facebook! Anywhere you can find us!

In This Episode

  • 06:57 Even Before We Boarded The Plane (Both Ways)
  • 12:15 Need To Lap Him
  • 14:20 Missing Something?
  • 17:00 Massive Bummer
  • 22:40 Watch Where You Park That Thing
  • 26:10 When Good Things Die
  • 34:35 Bribes And Fake Tickets
  • 37:42 That Will Come Out Right?
  • 43:15 Where Are They?!

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Our Top Ten Cities – For Now…. Part 2


First of all, make sure to check out my new podcast (with co-host Jason from Zero to Travel) and subscribe then go to this page to enter a drawing to win a $50.00 Amazon Gift Card!

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Nick and I are back to cause some uproar with our top 5 cities each. Anywhere in the world.

Some of you will agree, others maybe not so much.

But that’s okay, you should both go tell us why in the comments!

Our highest-ranked cities couldn’t be more different, so you’ll have a lot to choose from when you start daydreaming about visiting these locations!

Let the wanderlust begin!

Click here to download this episode directly

Interested in becoming Location Independent? Check out Location Indie, a community of people who share your dreams!

Today’s episode has been sponsored by our friends at Tortuga Backpacks!

Check out the entire library of EPoP Travel Podcasts on iTunes

In This Episode

  • 08:53 Sarajevo, the war, and the EU
  • 15:43 You knew Croatia was going to make this list. Come on!
  • 20:05 Takin it to Japan!
  • 25:44 You can guess this one if you remember my favorite sandwich shop!
  • 31:16 Mexico City
  • 36:25 We filmed a TV show there this year!
  • 40:46 Kyiv. Everything you would picture a Russian city to have.
  • 47:05 Chiang Mai, Thailand. It’s just so easy!
  • 51:00 The mix of the entire world.
  • 57:17 The recent cities always win! (but really, it deserves it!)

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    1. Click this link: Leave a review on iTunes
    2. Hit “View in iTunes” on the left-hand side under the picture.
    3. Leave an honest review.
    4. You’re awesome!

Part II: Our Top 14 Experiences of 2014


We know that we’re lucky to be able to travel the way we do, and we look forward every day to helping you guys travel in a way that suites your lifestyles and goals.

And of course, we don’t mind being the guinea pigs for a lot of the advice we toss your way!

Yesterday we shared some of our top 14 travel experiences of 2014 with you and today we’re here to finish off the list!

What are some of your favorite travel experiences from 2014?

Click here to download this episode directly

Check out the entire library of EPoP Travel Podcasts on iTunes

In This Episode:

  • 9:10 – I admit my obsession with sports.
  • 15:07 – A sold-out festival.
  • 21:50 – Sneaking across the border of Croatia.
  • 29:47 – The best travel day we’d ever had.
  • 36:10 – Getting to stay in a mansion for a month for free.
  • 41:00 – Roadtripping through Croatia and abandoned hotels.
  • 47:08 – A story of Goat Chez.
  • and much more!

Links from today’s episode

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    1. Click this link: Leave a review on iTunes
    2. Hit “View in iTunes” on the left-hand side under the picture.
    3. Leave an honest review.
    4. You’re awesome!

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