Superlatives: 2020 in Review

Extra Pack of Peanuts Podcast Superlatives: 2020 in Review

Every year that we break down all our travel stats, best meals, best travel superlatives, best drinks, etc and we hear a ton of feedback from you all. Apparently, these are some of your favorite episodes.

We are running a 6 part series (!!!) that covers our superlatives, the stats, best meals, best drinks best desserts, and best experiences in our year in review. In this episode, we go into the Superlatives of our 2020 travel year.

Best of, worst of, the best value, and a host of other things.

And then definitely reach out to @ExtraPackofPeanuts and let us know what is the most positive yet unexpected thing that happened to you in 2020?

Click here to download the episode directly.

Check out the entire library of EPoP Travel Podcasts on iTunes.

In This Episode

  • 05:00 Most Expensive Accommodations
  • 07:00 Cheapest Accommodations
  • 08:15 The Best Value
  • 12:20 The Worst Value
  • 14:35 Favorite Accommodations
  • 19:55 Least Favorite Accommodations
  • 21:20 Craziest Thing We Did In 2020
  • 28:20 Best Thing We Bought
  • 34:05 Biggest Change in 2020
  • 35:55 Most Unexpected Good Thing
  • 39:10 Most Unexpected Bad Thing
  • 44:30 Most Underwhelming Thing
  • 47:55 Neatest Person We Met
  • 51:50 Biggest Travel Mishap

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Travel Stats: 2020 In Review

Extra Pack of Peanuts Podcast Travel Stats: 2020 In Review 

Obviously, this year’s travel has been a lot different but we are still going to cover the nerdy statistics of 2020 in the traveling we have been able to do. We’ll figure out about how many miles we traveled, how many different places we slept in, and how many states we visited plus much, much more! We’ll be covering road trips, accommodations, and some experiences, but food and drink have their own episodes coming later this month.

So if you’re into the numbers, or would like to compare your stats with ours have a listen!

And then definitely reach out to @ExtraPackofPeanuts and let us know some of your stats like how many miles did you travel in 2020, the number of countries or states that you visited, and/or what’s next for 2021!

Click here to download the episode directly.

Check out the entire library of EPoP Travel Podcasts on Apple Podcasts.

In This Episode

  • 06:16 Slept In How Many Places & The Breakdown
  • 11:15 Longest Consecutive Time In One Place
  • 14:40 Beach House Stats: Visitors vs Alone Time vs Airbnb Rentals
  • 20:20 Flights
  • 21:10 Overland Miles
  • 23:00 Number of Countries
  • 23:25 Number of States
  • 24:00 Final Thoughts & What’s Next

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Travel Wishlist 2021

Extra Pack of Peanuts Podcast Travel Wishlist 2021  

To say that we didn’t get to any of the places we had on our 2020 Travel Wishlist would be an understatement but that is what makes our 2021 list that much more special. We have a vaccine being rolled out so we are crossing our fingers to be able to get out and travel this coming year. Heather and I are going through our top 5/6 destinations (and some honorable mentions), including a couple of surprising destinations from us both.

Where will we go first? What trips are on your travel wishlist for 2021? Let us know by tagging us in a post on Instagram at @ExtraPackofPeanuts.

Click here to download the episode directly.

In This Episode

  • 05:58 Honorable Mentions
  • 08:45 Central America is Represented
  • 13:45 Road Tripping
  • 16:00 Aloha Time
  • 19:35 Showing Some Love To The Midwest
  • 24:40 An Honorable Mention Makes The Actual List
  • 28:55 The Most Likely Trip To Happen In 2021
  • 34:55 Oh Canada!
  • 39:50 Our #1’s

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Top 10 Holiday Movies

We are trying something different today as we have crowdsourced from you our EPOP community, over on Instagram, all of your favorite holiday movies. We had you list your top 5 by rank and each number had a point amount which ended up giving us the top 10…yes, there was math, and yes, we did use a calculator because we are all business here ????.

Thank you so much for everyone that participated and if you enjoy this style of episode then we would love to do more in the future so let us know!

Did your favorite movie make the list? Do you want to see more crowdsourcing type episodes in the future? Let us know by tagging us in a post on Instagram at @ExtraPackofPeanuts.

Today’s episode has been sponsored by the amazing folks over at Tortuga Backpacks!

Check out the entire library of EPoP Travel Podcasts on Apple Podcasts.

Click here to download this episode directly!

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Throwdown Showdown: Cold vs. Warm Christmas

Extra Pack of Peanuts Podcast Cold vs Warm Christmas

It is time for another throwdown showdown (requested by the EPOP community) and we are combining it with the holiday season to decide which is better a cold location Christmas or a warm location Christmas. Do you want to get away from the cold and sometimes dreary weather or celebrate all that the holidays are in a traditional snowy weather place?

Who was the winner? Which team did you agree with the most? Let us know by tagging us in a post on Instagram at @ExtraPackofPeanuts.

Today’s episode has been sponsored by the amazing folks over at Tortuga Backpacks!

Check out the entire library of EPoP Travel Podcasts on Apple Podcasts.

Click here to download this episode directly!

In This Episode

  • 06:15 Rules Of The Debate
  • 09:15 Cold Weather Opening Arguments
  • 12:00 Warm Weather Opening Arguments
  • 15:40 Peaceful Cold Weather
  • 18:00 Simplified Warm Weather
  • 19:35 Traditional Cozy Holiday
  • 22:40 Does The Food Matter?
  • 25:10 Breaking With Traditions
  • 26:10 Magic Of Christmas
  • 29:05 Acai Bowls & Margarita’s vs Hot Chocolate & Mulled WIne


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