Each year there are always a handful of days that stand out.
Some of those perfect travel days that you couldn’t have planned in a million years, but that really stick with you, months later.
Today, Heather and I go through our top 10 experiences of 2019 spanning the globe from the Good Ole USA to Canada to the warmth of sunny Florida and gorgeous Croatia.
Thank you to Chase for sponsoring this episode of the podcast! Check out the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card by going to CreditCards.com/EPOP.
What were your favorite experiences of 2019? If you get to hit up any of the places we list then please let us know @ExtraPackofPeanuts and snap a pic and hashtag it #EPOPSentUs!
Do you have travel questions for Trav about travel or travel hacking? Tweet us @packofpeanuts or Instagram @extrapackofpeanuts, or even on Facebook! Anywhere you can find us!
Listen to hear our best beer experiences of 2019 and since Heather was pregnant for most of the year, Trav had to really step up and carry the “burden” of beer drinking for 2019. You can only imagine how distraught this made him (queue sarcasm).
What was your favorite beer or brewery of 2019? If you get to hit up any of the places we list then please let us know @ExtraPackofPeanuts and snap a pic and hashtag it #EPOPSentUs!
Do you have travel questions for Trav about travel or travel hacking? Tweet us @packofpeanuts or Instagram @extrapackofpeanuts, or even on Facebook! Anywhere you can find us!
We’ve decided to split up…coffee and wine into their own episodes. So this year in review will be an 8 part series instead of the normal 7.
Join us today as Heather shares her top 9 coffee spots from around the world in 2019.
What were your favorite coffee spots of 2019? If you get to hit up any of the places we list then please let us know @ExtraPackofPeanuts and snap a pic and hashtag it #EPOPSentUs!
Do you have travel questions for Trav about travel or travel hacking? Tweet us @packofpeanuts or Instagram @extrapackofpeanuts, or even on Facebook! Anywhere you can find us!
We return with Part 5 of 8 in our Year in Review Series!
It is the bonus episode all about wine! Instead of grouping coffee and wine together, Heather thought it deserved its own episode and she was right (like normal). Join us today as Heather shares her top 6 wines from around the world in 2019.
What was your favorite wine of 2019? If you get to hit up any of the places we list then please let us know @ExtraPackofPeanuts and snap a pic and hashtag it #EPOPSentUs!
Do you have travel questions for Trav about travel or travel hacking? Tweet us @packofpeanuts or Instagram @extrapackofpeanuts, or even on Facebook! Anywhere you can find us!
If you know anything about us, it’s that we love to eat. And boy did we eat a lot in 2019!
Today Heather and I are going to go through our top 12 meals of the year (each) for a total of 24 awesome places around the world that you should definitely check out if you’re going to be in the neighborhood!
From Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina to Philadelphia and Maine, we truly span the globe with today’s episode!
What were your favorite meals of 2019? If you get to hit up any of the places we list then please let us know @ExtraPackofPeanuts! If you go to anywhere we have ever discussed please snap a pic & post on Instagram and hashtag #EPOPSentUs
Do you have travel questions for Trav about travel or travel hacking? Tweet us @packofpeanuts or Instagram with #askepop to @extrapackofpeanuts, or even on Facebook! Anywhere you can find us!
In This Episode
06:10 Honorable Mentions
12:48 The List Begins
19:25 The Most Expensive Place In Sarajevo
25:10 OH Canada!
30:35 Croatia FTW
35:00 Best Fish & Chips
38:10 2nd Closest To Trav & Heather
42:10 Delicious Mexico
45:00 Closet Place To Trav & Heather
47:42 Heather Is Too Excited To Talk About This Place