About the Show
Creating Insatiable Wanderlust Since 2013
Every Tuesday Trav and Heather fill your heart with wanderlust and your head with knowledge.
Sometimes we’ll interview amazing travelers, like the guy who went around France on a little red scooter or the guy who spent 5 years going to every country in Africa (and climbing the tallest peak in each). Sometimes we’ll give you practical advice, like our 47 best gifts for travelers or 21 ways to survive a long haul flight. Sometimes we’ll drop some lists on ya (we love lists!) like our top 10 ice cream in the world or our top 25 breweries. And sometimes we’ll tell you all the best things to do at a specific destination, like the best seafood in Croatia or where to eat pizza in Rome.
But we’ll always have fun, always get (probably too) excited, and always say the word boutique wrong.
Recent Episodes

The 6 Stages of Our Location Independent Journey
Trav and Heather break down the 6 biggest stages of their location independent journey, from selling vacuum cleaners door to door and wise “no duh” words from a mentor to 30th birthday debacles and the moment Trav thought he finally made it – and why that shocked Heather.

Dominating Life with Heath Armstrong
A strange encounter on a flight, wisdom from Grandma, setting new habits, traveling the world, and more! Trav and Heath Armstrong jam in a wide-ranging conversation about the crazy behind-the-scenes of the Sweet Ass Journal and the Sweet Ass Domination Deck.

Location Independence with Mike & Jess of VanThere.com
Mike & Jess of VanThere.com join Trav to discuss the joys and challenges of living and working out of their custom-built van, with no permanent address anywhere!

Top 16 Places Where We’d Live for 3 Months
Being location independent has its perks. Heather and Trav discuss the top 16 cities of the world where they’d love to spend three months, and what they love most about each one.

Jetto: The Origin Story Behind Our New App
Get a behind the scenes look at how we built our new app. How long did it take? Where did we meet our developer? What mistakes did we make? And what’s next?

Destination Diary – Florence
Florence has stolen our hearts. Find out Heather’s favorite thing to eat (ever!), Trav’s gelato recommendations, where to eat like a local, and of course, the things in Florence you can’t miss!

Top 12 Summer Destinations of 2018
In this episode, Heather and I go through our list of top summer destinations around the globe. From surprising to serene, vibrant to verdant, and interesting to impactful, there’s a great destination for everyone.

Life as an Expat & Reverse Culture Shock
What’s it like to live in another country, and then return to your home country? Is reverse culture shock a bad thing? Dive into a deep conversation with Trav & Jason!

Destination Diary Vancouver
After spending over 3 weeks in Vancouver, Heather and Trav are well versed in the best things to do in this beautiful city. Discover how many breweries Trav went to in 21 days (hint: it’s a lot!), Heather’s favorite pizza and coffee spots, and the activity that they both say you “can’t miss” when visiting Van.

Six-Figure Travel Writing with Gabi Logan
For many people, travel writing is the dream lifestyle. In this episode, we’ll hear from travel writer Gabi Logan about all the possibilities in travel writing and how to get paid to see the world!