What if you could take the world’s longest honeymoon? Where would you go? What would you do? Today’s guests are not only world-known (& Guinness record-holders) but also dear friends, Mike & Anne from HoneyTrek.com and they are currently on the world’s longest honeymoon at over 9 years long. We get into what life is like on the road (#RVLife), getting trapped in Europe during COVID lockdowns, the gorgeous glamping lifestyle, and so much more.
If you have been biting at the bit to get out and travel again and you love unique and fun ways to explore this world then you will love learning about it all with Mike & Anne.
Are you more likely to go glamping or embrace the RV Life? Let us know by tagging us in a post on Instagram at @ExtraPackofPeanuts.
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Do you have an insatiable desire to hit the road in an RV full time? Do you want the opportunity to go on the great American road trip without the need for costly hotels or scary motels?
Joining me today are a couple that have been full-time RV’ing for the last 4.5 years, and who during that time have visited all 50 states, summered in Maine and wintered in Alaska, written a book that was just recently published by Simon and Schuster (and which can even be found in Costco!) and who are NOT retired, Marc and Julie Bennett from RVlove.com.
Today’s episode has been sponsored by our friends at Tortuga Backpacks!
Do you have travel questions for Trav about travel or travel hacking? Tweet us @packofpeanuts or Instagram with #askepop to @extrapackofpeanuts, or even on Facebook! Anywhere you can find us!
In This Episode
04:00 How Did You Get Started?
06:30 RV’ing Isn’t Just For Retirees
10:20 How Did You Choose RVing Over All The Other Options
13:25 What Did Regular Life Look Like Before RVing?
15:45 Hardest Changes In RV Life?
19:00 Planning Ahead or Go With The Flow
25:30 Favorite Places & Events
28:00 Coolest Setups In RV’s & Mileage
32:45 Costs Of RVing & Common Mistakes When Buying An RV
Lots of people think once you have one kid you can’t travel, let alone 4 kids and a dog!
Paul Kortmans joins me today to share his family’s experience taking on Mexico in an RV.
We chat about how he (and his kids) ended up with the travel bug, the lightbulb moment when he and his wife realized their kids like to travel just as much as they did, and a story of overcoming business setbacks as a location independent professional.
Whew, that’s a lot! We cover a lot of ground in this podcast including a GENIUS tip for getting your kids used to airplane travel if they’ve never done it before, and a great way to keep them entertained on those long flights!
Do you remember traveling with your parents as a kid? Tell us your favorite memories @ExtraPackofPeanuts!!
Today’s episode has been sponsored by our friends at Tortuga Backpacks!