Every year, for the past seven years, we’ve scoured the globe to find the most unique, most useful, and best gifts for travelers on the planet (tough life, I know).
And in those past seven years, our annual “best gifts for travelers” guide has become one of the most popular travel gift guides in the world!
So if you’re struggling with what to get the traveler in your life, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered again this year.
From less than $5 to over $1,000, and with gifts ranging from backpacks to books and from cashmere to coffee, there’s something here for everyone. Here are the best gifts for travelers – so start shopping, and happy holidays!
Do you have travel questions for Trav about travel or travel hacking? Tweet us @packofpeanuts or Instagram with #askepop to @packofpeanuts, or even on Facebook! Anywhere you can find us!
Are you an over-packer? Do you think there is no way that you can travel with only a carry on? Do you have no idea what you should be packing in the first place? Today, we are diving into our packing list and even giving you our checklist so that you can pack for anywhere in the world only using your carry-on luggage. We break down every single item we pack (regardless of how long the trip is) in the following categories; women’s, men’s, electronics/necessities, and infant/kids stuff and we are hoping that you will find it useful for your next trip. You can signup to get the full packing list at the brand new Extra Pack Of Peanuts website!
Do you have travel questions for Trav about travel or travel hacking? Tweet us @packofpeanuts or Instagram with #askepop to @extrapackofpeanuts, or even on Facebook! Anywhere you can find us!
If you’ve ever wondered how you could travel with just a carry-on, Heather’s here to show you the way! If she can do it, anyone can!
She’s broken it down into sections, and any products mentioned specifically can be four below in the links section! Time to get out your packing list and start comparing!
What would you cut or add to Heather’s list? Let me know @ExtraPackofPeanuts!!
Today’s episode has been sponsored by our friends at Tortuga Backpacks!