One of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, London is a must-see for lovers of history, architecture, and British culture.
Because it’s such a big city, visiting London can be overwhelming. To give you some guidance, we’ve put together this list of our favorite places to eat, drink, and see in the UK capital. (more…)
If you’ve listened before, you’ll remember me not being a big fan of London, but I’ve changed my tune quite a bit!
While I still won’t admit that English food is very good, we’ve found a couple of places I really enjoy, and this last time in London was quite a lot of fun!
Today Heather joins me to talk about our favorite areas of the city, some of the best places to eat, and a TON of things to do. From free museums (yes, free!) to a great way to see shows for cheap, we have some great tips for the budget traveler in today’s episode!
Have any recs for our next trip to London? Let us know @ExtraPackOfPeanuts!!
Today’s episode has been sponsored by our friends at Tortuga Backpacks!
Traveling is just as much about eating as it is about anything else! It’s one of the great ways to experience a different culture.
And we had some great experiences in 2016.
Today Heather joins me as we go over our top 22 meals in 2016, leaving our favorite drinks and desserts for another “mini” episode next week! From the cliffs of Santorini to a couple of places close to home there’s something on here for everyone.
Make sure to follow us on social media to be part of the #EPoPScavengerHunt, where we’ll be purchasing drinks for our listeners at random places all around the world!
If you’ve been following our adventures, you’ve probably seen some awesome pictures from our 2 month trip around Europe.
Heather and I both picked one location we really wanted to go and put together an, admittedly weird, itinerary.
We went to:
Norway Georgia (the country!) Greece England Scotland
We ran the gamut of weather, prices, and foods on our travels and today we’re here to talk about our top 5 foods, accommodations, and experiences from our trip. Including how many pounds we’ve collectively gained!
Tag us on Instagram @ExtraPackofPeanuts and let us know what country you’re the most excited to visit after listening to our travels!
While exploring Yangon in Myanmar we stumbled across an amazing array of buildings left over from the country’s time as a British colony. Some were falling to ruins, but others had been restored to some of the most beautiful buildings we’d seen during our travels.
So that gave us an idea.
What WERE some of the best buildings we’d seen on our travels? The best examples of architecture? Both ancient and new?
So here we are, Heather and I, each laying out our top 10 feats of architecture. From the coastlines of Portugal to the peninsulas of Japan, we span the globe detailing our favorite buildings around the world.
In Part 1 we detail our honorable mentions and the first 5 off each of our lists. Check back on Thursday for part 2, where we discuss even more places that are going to get you yearning for travel once again!