Would you rather eat Thai food tonight, or go eat food in Thailand?
After seeing some of their friends having health issues in their 30’s Warren and Betsy Talbot sat down to a serious conversation to decide what they wanted their life to be like.
The next day they started Married with Luggage and laid out a budget.
And two years later they set out on around the world trip which has turned them to full-time travelers.
In this portion of our interview, Warren and Betsy chat about their decision to become nomadic, getting out on the road, and how, 4 years later, they bought a house in Spain to function as their home base.
With great advice that I know I’ll be following soon, this is an interview for people on all stages of their journey. From those considering the lifestyle to those who have been on the road for a while, there is something here for everyone!
It’s not “the more you travel, the better you get at it” it’s the sloppier you get!
Jason’s infamous words when we told him of our recent slew of travel mishaps.
And boy was he right.
Within 2 hours of landing in Italy, if it could go wrong, it did. And the worst part was, most of it could have been avoided!
Today Heather joins me while we recount our experience of our first hours in Italy, and hopefully remind everyone, and especially ourselves, that no one is exempt from “silly” travel mistakes.
But something good comes out of every experience, and what would travel be without some ridiculous mishaps?
Today we throw any, and all, preconceived notions of our “coolness” straight out the window.
Jason joins me as we discuss the ultimate taboo in independent travel.
Being a tourist.
We discuss our love of guided tours, pub crawls, “tourist” transportation and more without shame because sometimes you just have to get your tourist on!
With 14 awesome touristy activities revealed you’ll have to make us feel a little less lame and share some of your favorite tourist activities! If you have pictures of yourself being super touristy, tweet them @PackofPeanuts, we’d love to put together an EpoP/Zero To Travel album of our listeners being tourists!
But sometimes there are aspects of location independence that aren’t so ideal.
It can be quite a roller coaster when you travel while you work. Lack of work triggers, travel issues, bad wifi, the list of things that can, and do, go wrong is endless.
And yet we keep coming back for more!
Today Jason joins me to talk about the not so glamorous side of being location independent and to reveal our new super-secret (until now) community made just for people who have or are looking for this type of lifestyle.
You may remember us mentioning our friend the U.S. Diplomat who managed to wrangle our laptop back from India’s customs officials in our latest Travel Mishaps episode.
That U.S. Diplomat is our good friend Nick Hersh, whom I have known for over 20 years from back when all we cared about was learning how to talk to girls and getting our merit badges.
Who knew he’d turn out to become the most traveled of my friends and a U.S. Diplomat? And so useful to boot?!
Today Nick joins us to talk about his experiences joining the Foreign Service and traveling the world as a U.S. Diplomat. He discusses some of the red tape involved in becoming a Diplomat, the different fields that lend themselves to the job, what types of benefits and vacation time one can expect as a Diplomat, and (our favorite) some of his greatest travel experiences & mishaps.
If you have any questions for Nick please feel free to leave them in the comments and we’ll pass them along!
Nick is joining me this week because you guys have e-mailed me to ask about other jobs that take you internationally but that aren’t really nomadic. If YOU have someone you think I should interview or a path you’d like us to pursue please e-mail Trav@ExtraPackofPeanuts.com and I’ll do my best!
Has this sparked some interest for you in becoming a U.S. Diplomat? Help us spread the word and show other people a career path they didn’t know existed!
Not a #DigitalNomad? How about a different #travel job? Today-how to join the Foreign Service to become a US Diplomat→ http://bit.ly/1riGsAN