From Business Traveler To Pleasure Seeker w/ Malcolm Teasdale

Extra Pack of Peanuts Podcast From Business Traveler To Pleasure Seeker w/ Malcolm Teasdale

Joining me today is someone who has visited 98 countries, lived in 5, and who figures he’ll settle down when he’s 95, former business traveler and now strictly pleasure seeker, Malcolm Teasdale from

Do you travel for business? How do you mix business travel with pleasure travel? Let us know by tagging us in a post on Instagram at @ExtraPackofPeanuts.

Check out the entire library of EPoP Travel Podcasts on Apple Podcasts.

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In This Episode

  • 04:15 Getting Bit By The Travel Bug
  • 06:35 Seeking Out Business That Requires Travel
  • 10:05 Making Business & Travel Work Together
  • 13:30 Pros & Cons Of Living In All The Places He Has Lived
  • 18:25 Cruise Ships Speaking As A Way To Travel The World
  • 29:55 Getting Off The Beaten Path & Places To Go
  • 32:10 Bhutan Beauty & Exploration
  • 37:50 The Highlights Of All His Travels
  • 41:20 The Places That Will Be Visited
  • 42:45 Save and Splurge Travel
  • 47:25 Biggest Travel Mishap


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Taking a Career Break with Sherry Ott of Meet Plan Go! – Part 1


9 years ago Sherry Ott did something terrifying.

She quit her job to travel the world for a year.

Her career break turned into a life based around travel and expertise in how to take career breaks successfully in the United States.

Lots of advice out there on career breaks come from Australia, or the UK, where things like this are very common. But here in the USA, it’s not such an easy task.

Unless of course, Sherry’s helping you out!

Today we discuss how Sherry got the bug for travel, how her planned one year turned into 9, and about the correct way to make a gin & tonic. Apparently it’s a very specific process!

This is part 1 of a two-part interview. Check back on Thursday for the rest of our interview where we go more in-depth on the strategies of taking a career break and a great travel mishap!

Click here to download this episode directly

Check out the entire library of EPoP Travel Podcasts on iTunes

In This Episode:

  • 02:00 The right way to make a Gin & Tonic.
  • 06:25 Her travel schedule makes MINE look SLOW!
  • 08:30 Visiting the Russian Arctic
  • 11:00 How the 9-year journey began.
  • 15:25 Funny how we always think we’ll plug right back in
  • 21:36 What are you gonna do when you get back?
  • 25:54 What causes the most fear of travel for Sherry. It’s not what you think.
  • 28:15 What exactly IS a career break?
  • 32:28 Starting a conversation with your employers

and much more!

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EPoP 042: Confessions of a Road Warrior with Grant Baldwin


“I’d love to travel, but I have kids.”

Children are often seen as a detriment to a life of travel.

With three girls under the age of five and many miles of travel under his belt, author and motivational speaker Grant Baldwin certainly disagrees with that!

Grant is constantly packing up his family of five and taking them on trips, leaving others to shake their heads and wonder how he can afford to do it.

And for work, Grant travels across the country giving talks to high school and college-aged students about the transition to real-life after schooling, making him quite the road warrior.

Today he joins us to share his tips on keeping business travel fun, balancing cost vs. comfort, and also how to travel with a family of five.

Right-click to download this episode directly

Check out the entire library of EPoP Travel Podcasts on iTunes

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In This Episode:

  • How to start with motivational speaking.
  • Keeping business travel fun and appealing even after the 100th trip.
  • Staying present in your home life even when you’re traveling a ton for work.
  • Finding the balance between minimizing expenses & good experiences during business travel.
  • Why signing up for every rewards program is a necessity for any business traveler.
  • The benefits of traveling with young children.
  • How to find good travel deals for families.

And much more!

 Links Discussed in This Episode:

I Need Your Help

Grant shared some awesome business & family travel advice with us today. Help thank him by clicking “Tweet This” below:

@GrantBaldwin Thanks for telling us how you got into that and sharing your family & business #travel tips on EPoP Podcast w/@PackofPeanuts

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