Traveling with Baggage with Sarah Tiedemann


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Sarah Tiedemann, author of Traveling with Baggage: A Guide for the Hesitant Hiker, has dealt with anxiety her whole life.

She didn’t let it stop her from moving to Hawaii to go to college, though! Or the subsequent travel bug.

Today Sarah joins me to chat about her experience traveling with anxiety, some of the mechanisms she uses to cope, and how you can help if you’re traveling with someone who has anxiety.

It’s not easy to travel with anxiety, but what you’ll find on the other end might just be worth the fight.

Do you get anxious when you travel? Let me know @ExtraPackofPeanuts!!

Today’s episode has been sponsored by our friends at Tortuga Backpacks!

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In This Episode

  • 04:00 The beginning of anxiety for Sarah
  • 05:57 How did she end up in Hawaii?
  • 10:00 Flying & anxiety
  • 14:00 Sharing the anxiety vs keeping it to yourself
  • 18:00 As a traveling companion to someone with anxiety – how can we help?
  • 27:00 Getting outside


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It’s Only the Himalayas with S. Bedford


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S. Bedford said she was going to do something that all travelers say at one point or another.

I’m going to write a book about this trip

Original right?

Well, she ACTUALLY followed through and did it.

And the result is fantastic.

There’s not just one, or two, or even three travel mishaps in this one. It’s an ENTIRE collection of travel mishaps!

You can bet I was excited about that!

We chat about some of those misadventures today, as well as the process of publishing her book, and what adventures are next for her now that she’s got her book out the door.

What was your favorite misadventure? Let us know @ExtraPackofPeanuts!!

Today’s episode has been sponsored by our friends at Tortuga Backpacks!

Check out the entire library of EPoP Travel Podcasts on iTunes

In This Episode

  • 03:00 Getting out the door & trying not to be terrified
  • 14:00 Misadventures in Africa
  • 17:30 Eyes in the Dark
  • 21:00 Trekking the Himalayas with no training
  • 25:00 The process of writing the book
  • 35:00 The next stuff to see around the world


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A Year of Living Prayerfully with Jared Brock, Part 2


Jared Brock shared some of his awesome experiences as he pursued his book deal for A Year of Living Prayerfully in our last episode.

Today, we talk about some of the adventures he had while researching his book.

And man, adventures they are.

Not only did he get to meet the Pope, but he also walked on hot coals, and even visited North Korea.

Jared shares some of his adventures as well as shares some advice on getting started with living a minimalist lifestyle and his biggest travel mishap.

This is Part 2 of a 2 part interview. To check out Part 1, click here!

Right click to download this episode directly

Check out the entire library of EPoP Travel Podcasts on iTunes

In This Episode:

  • 2:45 Getting an audience with the Pope.
  • 06:30 Walking on hot coals.
  • 09:57 Visiting North Korea & some crazy stories from Jared’s visit.
  • 21:35 Minimalism and traveling the world.
  • 22:15 Getting started with Minimalism.
  • 26:30 An “eco” farm Costa Rica turns into a truly terrible travel mishap.
  • 30:50Feeling safe sleeping at a bus station.
  • 33:10 Travel tips!

and much more!

Links From Today’s Interview

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