How to Earn Chase Ultimate Rewards Points Through Online Shopping

Start shopping online and never deal with those pesky store monkeys again!

This is part #2 in the Ultimate Guide to Ultimate Rewards Series.  Other posts include:
#1- How to Earn Chase Ultimate Rewards Points Through Credit Card Signups
#3- How to Combine Chase Ultimate Rewards Points Between Accounts (with video)

#4- How to Transfer Chase Ultimate Rewards Points to Travel Partners (with video)

It’s no secret that earning Chase Ultimate Rewards points through credit card signups is the quickest way to amass tons of points but does that mean that after you earn your signup bonus you’re done earning UR points?


If that was the case, then I probably wouldn’t be writing this post, right?

In fact, there are a few other ways to earn large amounts of UR points AFTER you get your credit card sign up bonus.  Today, I’m going to teach you about the most under appreciated and overlooked way to earn Chase UR points.

In fact, I’m continually stunned that 90% of people fail use this method that I use to earn TENS OF THOUSANDS of Ultimate Rewards points every year.  Yes, TENS OF THOUSANDS! 

That’s like getting a free roundtrip ticket to Europe every year!

Ready for it?


Before you think “I don’t know how to do that” or “eh, that’s too hard and complicated” and close this window, hear me out for one minute.

Truth:  I ABSOLUTELY HATE SHOPPING (my wife enjoys it enough for the both of us).

As much as I love frequent flyer miles, I hate shopping equally as much (want proof?  I’m currently wearing my high school’s tennis t-shirt that I got as a senior…12 years ago!)

If this was hard or difficult in the slightest way, I wouldn’t do it.

So if I do it, you know it must be a cinch!

And, it gets even better.  To make things even easier for you, I’ve created a video (only 3 minutes) to show you EXACTLY how to use the best online shopping portal of them all, the Chase Ultimate Rewards Mall!

How the Online Shopping Portal Works

No pushing around a too-full cart when shopping online!

Every time you shop through the Chase Ultimate Rewards mall, you’ll be earning Chase UR points.  The reason this can be so lucrative is because many merchants will offer bonuses (sometimes really big ones) for you to shop at their store if you route through the Ultimate Rewards Mall first.

Let’s look at J. Crew (Heather’s favorite store) as an example:

If you go directly to J. Crew’s website, either through Google or by typing in, you’ll only receive 1 Chase UR point if you use a Chase credit card (such as the Chase Sapphire Preferred orInk Plus), exactly the same way you would if you went to the store.

However, if you take the 2 minutes or less to sign in to the Chase Ultimate Rewards Mall and THEN redirect to J. Crew’s website (which is exactly the same one you would have went to if you went to it directly), they will offer you bonus UR points for each dollar you spend.  Currently, the bonus is 5x at J. Crew.

So, in addition to the regular 1 UR points you’ll get for using your Chase credit card for shopping, you’ll get an ADDITIONAL 5 UR points for every $1 you spend.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that by routing through the Chase Ultimate Rewards mall, that $200 you spend will earn you 1,200 UR points instead of a measly 200.  And it only takes an extra 2 minutes (max) to sign in to the UR Mall and then redirect to your favorite store!

1,000 points for 2 minutes?  If you’re time is that valuable, what are you doing wasting time reading my blog!

I could give you example after example of times I’ve used the Ultimate Rewards Mall to score big points, but I’ll just leave you with the one that got me to go all-in on using shopping portals (a decision that has earned me tens of thousands of points).

A Personal Example (or How the Chase Ultimate Rewards Mall Gave Me a Very Merry Christmas)

Rewind to pre-Christmas, 2011.  My siblings and I wanted to get my parents something special and so my sister suggested a hot air balloon ride.  We all thought that was great, so she started searching around and found one on Groupon for $300.

Luckily, I had just gotten an email about Groupon offering 30x Chase UR points for every $1 spent.  I checked it twice to make sure I read it correctly.

Yep, 30 Chase UR points for every $1!  Un freaking believable!

I called my sister immediately (not an easy thing to do when your in Australia and she’s in America) and walked her through exactly how to purchase the balloon ride through the Chase UR mall (luckily for you, I’ve created a video that will explain it much quicker)!


Just like that, I was 9,000 Chase points richer!

From that day, I was a convert, and I haven’t looked back since!

I’ve never lead you astray before, have I?  Take 3 minutes, check out the video, and start watching those UR points pour in in droves!

Additional Resources

If you’re gung-ho about online shopping (and you should be!), check out my partner post, which also has a 3 minute video.

It explains how to use Evreward, an awesome website that shows you which online shopping portal gives you the best deal for every store you can think of!  It’s not always the Chase Ultimate Rewards Mall, so learn to use this tool!

Get out of the Stone Age and Start Using Shopping Portals (with an Evreward Video Tutorial)

If you’re somehow not convinced yet and want to read another writeup I’ve done of the Chase Ultimate Rewards Mall, check out one my most famous posts to date:

The Champ Is Here: Introducing the Chase Ultimate Rewards Mall

Of course, if you have any questions I don’t answer here, feel free to leave a comment below or email me directly.

Final Word(s)

If you’re serious about earning Chase Ultimate Rewards points, don’t rely solely on signup bonuses.  If you aren’t using the Chase Ultimate Rewards Mall for buying products, especially large ticket items like a computer, tv, etc. than you are leaving THOUSANDS of points on the table.

Even if you’re a complete newbie to online shopping, I implore you to give it a shot.  Try buying one item and see how it goes.  At the very least, you won’t have to drive to the store, and you’ll be earning extra points for sitting on your butt!

What are you feelings on online shopping?  If you’re a convert, share the reasons why.  Did you have an “A-HA” moment like I did with the hot air balloon ride?  If you haven’t committed yet, what reservations do you have?  Share, share, share below folks!

(photos courtesy of z the lego man, Jemppu M, v&a steamworks)

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