EPoP 040: Our Top 10 Accommodations, Food, and Travel Experiences

Top 10 Travel Experiences Podcast

Everyone loves to give and get travel recommendations, and anyone who has traveled usually has quite a few to share!

Today, I bring Heather back on the show to discuss the top 10 accommodations we’ve ever stayed in, the top 10 food we’ve eaten, and the top 10 travel experiences we’ve had.

Of course, no list is complete without mentioning some of the worst experiences we’ve had, so you’ll also learn why my best food experience was Heather’s worst, where we stayed that had springs popping out of the bed, and how we ended up in a Thai hospital.

Don’t forget:  we want to hear from you!

Please share your top 5 favorite accommodations, foods, and travel experiences in the comments below.

The more recommendations, the better, so fire away!

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In This Episode:

  • Where we stayed that had springs actually popping out of the bed.
  • How to get the most authentic Japanese experience possible.
  • The best pizza in the world.
  • Searching for the world’s best restaurant for 3 days…and finally finding it.
  • Why Travis’s best dining experience was Heather’s worst.
  • The most challenging country to travel through.
  • 2 motorbike crashes and a Thai hospital.
  • Super Mario ice sculptures.
  • The two best drives in the world.
  • The world’s coolest monument.
  • Being in Jurassic Park.

And much more!

 Links Discussed in This Episode:




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1.  Leave a rating for the show.  We’re shooting for 100 reviews on iTunes, and we’re almost there.

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2.  Leave a comment telling us your top 5 favorite accommodations, foods, and travel experiences below!

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@PackofPeanuts I loved hearing your top 10 #travel accommodations, #foods, and experiences. Now it’s time to go try some!

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