EPoP 007: Sean Ogle on Crossing Things Off Your Bucket List and Starting a Business You Can Run From Anywhere

Sean Ogle Extra Pack of Peanuts Travel Podcast

In this episode of the Extra Pack of Peanuts Travel Podcast, Sean Ogle of Location 180 sits down to discuss how to start a business that can be run from anywhere in the world, why travel has changed his life, and how to create a killer bucket list…and then actually cross stuff off it!

Sean also opens up about how he personally went from a “life that sucked” in 2009 to now becoming a wildly successful entrepreneur who is not only living his dream, but is spending his time helping others do the same.

You’ll even learn what his least favorite place in the world is…and which happens to be mine as well!

If you’re looking for some motivation to start doing something that matters, or you just want to hear some great travel stories, you’ve got to give this a listen!

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In This Episode, You’ll Learn:

  • The three major steps to starting a business and becoming location independent.
  • The one thing in the world that people are afraid of.
  • How to create a killer bucket list, and why it’s important.
  • The keys to finding a mentor that is “higher on the food chain” than you.
  • How to get free stuff when traveling, even if you don’t have an audience.
  • His least favorite place in the world…and mine too!

Links Discussed in This Episode:

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Sean is the MAN, so show him some love by clicking “tweet this” below:

“@SeanOgle Your advice on the EPoP Podcast with @PackofPeanuts ROCKED! Thanks so much for sharing!”

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