The 16 Best Coffee’s in the World


Longtime listeners might know that Heather has a not so secret love.


Turns out, Jason, our often co-host, also has the same love. Though his is more of an addiction.

Today Heather and Jason list out some of their best coffee experiences, including their favorite coffee shops, and the best countries for coffee lovers.

I hold down the fort for those of us who aren’t so into coffee, providing some notes on ambiance, delicious treats, and the best hot chocolate I’ve had to date. And of course, you won’t have to wait long for Jason to break all the rules.

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In This Episode:

  • 05:30 Heather & Jason’s Coffee origin story.
  • 09:01 Honorable mentions
  • 11:20 And so the list begins!
  • 17:00 The Keurig debate
  • 24:15 The Zero to Travel origin story.
  • 37:10 Working from Coffee Shops and a cool app.
  • 40:00 Travis chimes in with his favorite Hot Chocolate!
  • 43:20 The #1 coffees

and much more!

Links from this Episode

Honorable Mentions

The Top Coffee Spots, in Alphabetical Order

For the Non-Coffee Lovers

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