A Tribute to Scott Dinsmore – Friend, Leader, Legend


8 days ago my friend Scott, founder of Live Your Legend, died while climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.

He was 33 years old.

And even though we had only met in person three times, his impact on my life was incredible.

When I found out about his death, I was shocked.



And while I those feelings are still bubbling inside of me – and probably will be for a long time – I’ve come to realize that the best way I can honor Scott is by helping to spread his incredible message to people who may not have heard it before.

Scott was truly one of the most inspiring, energetic, and enthusiastic people I know, and I recorded this podcast to help others who may be grieving from the loss of a loved one and also to inspire people by discussing the 4 biggest lessonsĀ I’ve learned from Scott over the years.

We only get one chance at life, so we better start living our legend.

Click here to download this episode directly

Other Tributes to Scott:

James Clear – Scott Dinsmore, A Tribute

Leo Babuta – Scott Dinsmore, I Miss You Deeply

Corbett Barr – Scott Dismore, I Will Miss You Forever

Jonathan Mead – Scott Dinsmore, I Miss You Bro

Natalie Sisson – 29 Ways to Live Your Legend: A Tribute to Scott Dinsmore

Chase Reeves – When an Internet Friend Dies

Debashish Das – Thank You and Goodbye, Scott Dinsmore

Many other amazing tributes can be found in the Tribute to Scott Dinsmore Facebook group that has over 5000 members.

Scott’s Viral TEDx Talk:

In This Episode:

  • 03:00 How I knew Scott.
  • 06:40 Getting the news
  • 15:00 Why I feel the way I feel.
  • 21:30 Meeting at the World Domination Summit
  • 31:33 What did Scott teach me?
  • 44:00 Taking Scott’s lessons and carrying them forward.

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