The Free Flight Primer is a series of posts which will show, step by step, how to earn and then redeem frequent flyer miles.
I’ll be providing links to tools and websites that are helpful, tons of screenshots or video tutorials of various steps that may prove confusing, and of course, my own thoughts and opinions on the process.
I’ll also be providing a real-life case study using an actual client to better illustrate the process.
Parts 1-5 have focused on picking a destination and finding availability to that destination. Now, it’s time to shift our focus and actually begin getting you the miles you need to fly for free. If you’ve been following the Free Flight Primer and already have a stockpile of miles, great! But for most newbies, building up your miles balance is a crucial step. Let’s jump right in.
Step 1: Determine How Many Miles You Need
You did this back in Part 1, so I’ll just recap it quickly. If you want to re-read the full version, go here and scroll down to Step 3. The best place to start is, which will give you the amount of points needed to fly to your destination across almost all airlines. Consider the following:
What airlines did you find availability on in Parts 3-5?
How many people are flying?
What cabin class do you want to fly?
Case Study: Remember Rob, our case study? He’s looking to fly from New York to Rome in late September. We found good award availability with OneWorld for the dates he wants, he is flying with his wife, and they are looking to fly economy. By looking at or at the AA award chart we know that it will cost him 60k roundtrip per person, so he needs 120k AA miles.
Step 2: Determine What Credit Cards Will Get You Your Miles
Credit card signups are far and away the best way to earn miles quickly. There are other ways to pad your balance (which we will discuss later) but to get your free flights, you’ll need to apply for a credit card or two (or three, or four…). So now the question becomes which one?
If you are completely new to the game, I’d recommend you read my Tips For Picking the Right Card page, which gives you a simplified, general overview of what to look for in a credit card. On top of those considerations, we now must also look at our specific scenario and what airlines we are looking to fly.
Two basic recommendations:
1. If you are looking to fly OneWorld, by far the best sign up bonus available is the Citi/AAdvantage cards.
2. If you are looking to fly Star Alliance, there are a few Chase cards that make sense for you. Since Chase Ultimate Rewards points transfer to United, the Chase Sapphire Preferred, Chase Ink Bold [No longer available], and Chase Ink Plus are all good options.
In addition, the Chase United Explorer card is another good option.
Case Study: Rob is flying OneWorld, so he needs 120k AA miles. He already has 38k in his AA account, meaning that an extra 100k would put him over the 120k mark we need for him to fly to Europe and back.
Step 3: Apply for the card(s) and start making the minimum spend.
After getting approved for the card, every card has some requirement to meet before you get the miles in your account. For some cards, this is simply “after first purchase” meaning that you can buy one thing, no matter what, and you’ll get the miles.
For other cards, you must spend a certain amount in a certain time frame (i.e. $2,500 in 3 months). IF YOU DON’T HIT THE MINIMUM SPEND, YOU WON’T GET THE MILES. Always, always make sure you can hit the minimum spend.
Since you have already found the flights you want, the sooner you make the minimum spend, the sooner the miles post to your account. The sooner the miles post to your account, the sooner you can use them to book your flight.
See the pattern? The sooner, the better. Every day you wait is another day that the flights you wanted could be snatched up, so while I don’t advocate going out and spending just to spend, if your travel is coming up fairly soon, then I’d suggest making the spend as quickly as you feasibly, and responsibly, can.
Morals of the story:
1. Plan ahead if possible. It is going to be very difficult to go from 0 miles in March to booking a 100k worth of flights for travel in May. Not impossible, but difficult. Even if you do make the minimum spend and your miles post quickly, the award space that close to the travel date will most likely be gone.
2. If you do find yourself in the above situation and are under the gun to get miles, be flexible with your dates. Something may not be open on the Saturday that you want to leave, but it might be available on Tuesday. Make sure to check all options.
Case study: Rob’s wife applied for both the Citi/AA Visa and Citi/AA Amex using the two browser trick (now dead). She was instantly approved for both. She has met the minimum spend on the Visa and is now working on the minimum spend on the AmEx.
Step 4 (if necessary): Transfer the Points
For some cards, the miles you earn will go directly to your account with that airline (for example, the Citi/AAdvantage card earns you American Airlines miles). For other cards, such as the Chase Sapphire Preferred. you’ll need to transfer your Ultimate Rewards points to the airline of your choosing (such as United). This can be done online and if you are transferring Chase or American Express points, the transfers are instant (the only exception to this is if you are transferring AmEx to ANA, in which case it usually takes 48 hours). If you a transferring Starwoods points, be aware that they can take anywhere from a few days to two weeks.
Case study: Rob and his wife will not need to transfer points, since they are earning AA miles using the Citi/AAdvantage cards and will also be redeeming AA miles for their tickets.
Step 5: Earn Miles Through Ways Other Than Sign Up Bonuses
While signup bonuses will give you the bulk of your points, you can also pad your mileage balances in a variety of other methods. This is especially helpful when a signup bonus leaves you a few thousand points shy of the amount you need for an award ticket. For example, let’s say you sign up for the Chase Sapphire Preferred and the 50k signup bonus but you need 60k for your roundtrip ticket to Europe. If you are smart, you could end up with these 10k just by meeting your minimum spend.
Shopping Portals
The easiest way is to use shopping portals. I document why you should use them in this post and then show you how to use my personal favorite, the Chase Ultimate Rewards Mall, here. To highlight our above example, if you went through the Chase UR Mall and spent $350 at Groupon, which was running a 30 points/$1 promotion, you’d already have your extra 10k.
I’ve harped on it continuously in other posts, but if you aren’t using shopping portals than you should start considering it, at least for the online purchases you already make.
“Regular” Spending
Each card, in addition to a sign up bonus, will offer some sort of mileage earning for using it. For most cards, it is 1 point/$1 spent, although some offer special bonus categories where they’ll give you 2 points/$1 or even 5 points/$1 spent. For the Chase Sapphire, you’ll get 2x points on travel and dining, meaning that if you used it only these two categories to make your minimum spend of $3,000, you’d end up with an additional 6k points above your sign up bonus.
If you only have one card, it makes sense to use it in lieu of cash as much as possible. You’ll be earning miles and not paying anything extra. If you have more than one card, start being cognizant of which cards give bonuses in what categories and tailor your usage accordingly.
Case study: After the sign up bonus, Rob will have enough AA miles to make his trip. The AA cards only offer 1/$1 for all categories, so after meeting the minimum spend, he’ll have an extra 5k AA miles in his arsenal.
Step 6: Sign up for Award Wallet to Track Your Points
The more involved you get in this game, the more confusing it can get to remember what points you have with what airlines. Why not use a free product that does all hard work for you? Award Wallet will store your account balances for all types of airlines and hotels (except AA, which has blocked Award Wallet) and will update automatically once you set it up. I can’t think of a single good reason not to use it, and recommend it to everyone I know.
The Free Flight Primer is a series of posts which will show, step by step, how to earn and then redeem frequent flyer miles. We’ll start at the very beginning of the process and work our way through every step, from picking a destination all the way up to booking the ticket. In between we’ll talk about tips for figuring out how many miles are needed for a certain flight, how to earn those miles, how to find seat availability, and much more. I’ll be providing links to tools and websites that are helpful, tons of screenshots of various steps that may prove confusing, and of course, my own thoughts and opinions on the process. It will be broken in to multiple sections and multiple posts, which will make it easier to read and easier to use as a reference at a later date. I’ll also be providing a real-life case study using an actual client to better illustrate the process.
Award Nexus is one of a few paid subscriptions tools (KVS and Expert Flyer are the other two main ones) that many frequent flyers will use to search for award availability. For most people, using the tools I showed you in Parts 3 and 4 are enough (and they are free). However, if you plan on earning a good amount of miles and redeeming them fairly often, it might make sense to look in to paying the small fee for one of these sites. While it does the same thing as the airline’s websites, it allows you to search ALOT quicker and ALOT more efficiently, as you’ll be able to see both OneWorld and Star Alliance flights at the same time, and compare and contrast them on the same screen.
While I’ve dabbled a little bit with the other two, and found them useful, I use Award Nexus most often. Best of all, it is free for a certain amount of searches and your points can be replenished, so if you aren’t using it heavily, you’ll never have to pay.
The video below shows you exactly what you have to do to use Award Nexus. I’ve also provided some written instructions, and as always, if you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to comment below.
In order to sign up for an Award Nexus account you must be a member of Flyertalk. If you are not already a member of Flyertalk, you probably should be anyway, so go there first to sign up. You’ll then have to enter your exact Flyertalk handle (screename) in the box and your email. Your Award Nexus account may not be active right away (I can’t remember the steps that occur) but if it isn’t, it should be shortly.
Step 2: Find Awards Now
There are a lot of tools to dabble around with on Award Nexus, so when you get a chance, have a look around. For searching availability, click on “Find Awards Now”.
Step 3: Enter Your Information
Most of it is straightforward except for the boxes that you have to check. Whichever box you check determines which airline’s search function Award Nexus uses. To understand which ones you should choose, you can click on “Help & Info” and then the “tips” link. For Star Alliance, I have found that CO (which is Continental) and ANA work the best. However, don’t check both, as this will just give you duplicate results but cost you more points. For OneWorld, I only use QF (Qantas).
Step 4: Tailor the Results to Your Liking
Other than saving tons of time, Award Nexus is also great for allowing you to tailor the results exactly how you want. If you only want to see Star Alliance flights, then unclick QF box and it takes away all the Qantas (OneWorld) flights. If you want to sort the flights by departure time, click on the Depart heading and it resorts it. Want to see the results in a calendar view, then click on any of the numerous tabs at the top of the page. I usually like to use list or list (detailed) but anything is fine.
Step 5: Write Down All Your Details
If you find a flight you like, click on it and it will bring up a box with all the flight details, including total time, layover time, cities in and out of, etc. Remember, you can’t book on Award Nexus, it is only for searching, so write down all the details of the flight you like and call up the airline you have points with to book your ticket.
A few months ago, I was just like you; hesitant to use shopping portals for miles and points.
I thought it would be difficult, take up too much time, blah blah blah.
I’m making big points off credit card signups anyway, so how can a shopping portal even be worth my time? I mean, why would we need the wheel when we could walk?
What a caveman mentality!
The truth is, outside of credit card signup bonuses, using shopping portals is the second best way to accrue miles and points and to do it in chunks.
And that’s what we want, chunks. Nice, big chunks of points with minimum effort.
The turning point for me? Christmas, 2011.
My siblings decided they wanted to buy my parents a hot air balloon ride. Would I want to chip in?
Having just received an email from Groupon, which was offering a WHOPPING 30 Chase UR Points per $1 spent, you bet I wanted in.
I signed in to the Chase Ultimate Rewards mall, redirected to Groupon’s site, and bought a $300 hot air balloon ride for my folks.
Just like that, I was 9,000 points richer. I was officially a convert!
Ok, ok, ok, you’re convinced that big points can be had, but it must be time consuming to find deals, right?
WRONG! Makes it Easy
Enter, an amazing little site that shows you exactly how many points you’ll get per $1 spent at each merchant and for each reward programs online portal.
Since not all reward programs are created equal, I use every time I decide I’m going to purchase something online.
When buying flowers, Teleflora may offer 10 points/$1 if you use Chase’s Ultimate Rewards mall but 20/$1 if you use United’s online mall.
You better bet I’m going through United and doubling up on the points! $50 worth of flowers is giving me 1,000 United miles, as opposed to only 500 Chase points.
Thanks Evreward!
Below, I’ve made a short 3 minute video that explains how to use to search for the best deals.
I won’t say it’s so easy a caveman could do it, but…it’s pretty easy. From this time forward, may your shopping be full of miles and points!
The Free Flight Primer is a series of posts which will show, step by step, how to earn and then redeem frequent flyer miles. We’ll start at the very beginning of the process and work our way through every step, from picking a destination all the way up to booking the ticket. In between we’ll talk about tips for figuring out how many miles are needed for a certain flight, how to earn those miles, how to find seat availability, and much more. I’ll be providing links to tools and websites that are helpful, tons of screenshots of various steps that may prove confusing, and of course, my own thoughts and opinions on the process. It will be broken in to multiple sections and multiple posts, which will make it easier to read and easier to use as a reference at a later date. I’ll also be providing a real-life case study using an actual client to better illustrate the process.
After rolling out the video tutorial style for Part 3 of the Free Flight Primer and asking for your opinions, the “masses” have spoken: they love it! That means that we’ll continue the trend, and today, I’ll be showing you two more video tutorials to help you find Star Alliance Award Availability. The first way to search will be using Continental, as the video below will show. Then, we’ll explore using ANA’s search tool. Enjoy the shows!
Using Continental to Search for Star Alliance Award Availability
Continental’s search function will find almost all of Star Alliance partner airlines, leaving out a few. It is not as inclusive as ANA’s website, but it is WAAYYYYY easier to use, which is why we are starting with it. If you find what you need on Continental, you won’t even have to deal with ANA. Also, you do not have to be a member of Continental’s frequent flyer program to use the award search function, a HUGE plus.
Step 2: Enter Your Preferred Itinerary
Make sure “Reward Travel” is clicked when you hit search. The first thing that shows up on the list of results will be any non-stop flights on Continental or United (they are merging, so they are considered the same airline). If there is no non-stop flights, then it will show Continental/United flights with stops, and after you scroll down, it will show the Partner flights.
I love the ease of the search page for Continental, as it not only provides the extra fees for the ticket but also gives you all the information you need in a really clear, easy to understand format. Just make sure to remember that the price in miles is for ONE WAY. After you select an outbound ticket, you’ll then go to another screen to select your return ticket.
Case Study: The best ticket we can find for Rob from Philadelphia to Rome is a 30k SaverPass that has a layover of 7 hours in Frankfurt. Not awful, but….not great. Everything else has an even longer layover. We’ll write this down as an option but play around with the dates and departure city to see if we can find something better.
Step 3: Enter Other Possible Itineraries
Another great thing about Continental’s search website is that it is really easy to switch around dates and cities. Scroll down to the bottom and in the left hand corner you can “Start New Search”. You don’t even have to leave that page and it will update you with the new results for your search. Hooray for intuitive design!
Case Study: Ok, now we are getting somewhere. We have two interesting possibilities. There are economy MileSaver tickets for 30k from both JFK (pictured below) and EWR, and both with layovers of 2 hours or less. Not bad. There is also another possibility that you can see on the screenshot below; a business class MileSaver for only 50k with only a short layover in Brussels. My client has mentioned that he wants to fly economy, but this illustrates a good point to remember: If you can’t find saver tickets in economy for the flights you want, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS check saver business class tickets. They will most likely be less than the standard (anytime) economy tickets, and you’ll be flying in style! I’ll mention both the 2 economy options and the business option to Rob and see what he prefers.
Notice that the second flight listed has a standard economy ticket (the second column) listed for 55K and that the first flight has a business saver ticket for only 50k (the third column). Always, always check business saver availability if you can't find the economy saver availability you want!
Step 4 (if necessary): Book Your Ticket
If you are using United or Continental miles than you can book the ticket directly on the website. After picking your outbound and return flights, you’ll be asked to enter your OnePass number and password (if you haven’t already done so). If you are just using Continental as a search engine and booking using miles that you have with other Star Alliance members, then you need to write down all the information and call the airline that you have miles with and book with them directly.
Case Study: We have found some decent tickets going in and out of New York, but we can’t book them yet because Rob does not have any miles in a Star Alliance carrier. First, we’ll have to “earn” him the miles, and then book. But we’ll write these options as down as good possibilities.
Using ANA to Search for Star Alliance Availability
If you didn’t have any luck with Continental, then the next place to look is ANA. While this is a much bigger pain, it certainly isn’t impossible. You will have to trick the computer in to letting you search Star Alliance partners if you don’t have any miles in your ANA account (like me). The video takes you through step by step, but in case you’d rather read it or get confused, I’ve also written it out for you.
I searched for 20 minutes on ANA’s homepage, clicking through every conceivable place, and still was unable to get directed to their awards booking page that you need. Don’t fall in to the same trap. Just bookmark the page that I link to above and use it each time. Trust me, you’ll add years to your life.
You’ll need an ANA Mileage Club account to search, so if you don’t have one, you need to sign out of the Awards Booking Page (but bookmark it first!) and then go back to it once you have an account number and password.
Step 2: Trick the System
If you miles in your ANA account, then you don’t need this step. Simply click on the “Use Star Alliance Member Airlines” button and begin your search.
If you don’t have miles, you’ll first have to the “ANA International Flight Awards” button.
Enter any award flight you know ANA flies. I always use JFK in the from field and NRT (Narita-Tokyo) in the to field. Use any date and click next.
It will give you results for your search, but you don’t care about that. Scroll down and on the right hand side you’ll see the “Use Star Alliance Member Airlines” button again, but this time it will be blue and you’ll be able to click it. So…click it!
Now, you are in the system and able to enter any date, departure city and destination city that you want! You’ve tricked the system!
Step 3: Enter Your Preferred Itinerary
When you get to the search results page, ANA will only automatically show you the flights that fly non-stop. MAKE SURE TO HIT THE “CONNECTING FLIGHTS” BUTTON ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE TO SEE ALL AVAILABLE FLIGHTS. Don’t forget to do this for your return leg as well.
Case Study: There is nothing of real interest at all showing for Philadelphia to Rome.
Step 4: Enter Other Possible Itineraries
The annoying thing about ANA (ok, the millionth annoying thing) is that you have hit the search again button to change the city, which takes you back to the original page. HOWEVER, to simple change the date and keep the same cities, you only have to hit the forward or back arrows above the flight itinerary. ANA finally does something right!
Case Study: Looking from New York, I see the same flights from EWR and JFK that I saw on Continental’s sight but nothing new.
Step 5 (if necessary): Book Your Ticket
It’s probably unlikely that you’ll be using ANA for anything other than searching, but if you are using ANA miles to book the ticket, you can do it online. For everyone else, its the same old mantra: Write down the important information and call the airline who you have miles with and book directly through them.
Case Study: We aren’t ready to book yet, so nothing new to report.