From Couch Potato to Adventurer


No matter how many times I try, I just can’t get them to admit it.

We’ve had adventurers on before, and I always ask the same question.

So, you’re a superhuman right?

Turns out none of them will admit to it.

They just keep telling they’re regular Joes.

Or in Dave’s case, a couch potato.

Dave Cornthwaithe joins me today to talk about his Expedition 1000 project – 25 journeys of 1000 miles each. All made on manpower alone.

Skateboard, kayak, bicycles, and more; if Dave can make it go, then it’s going.

We discuss moving from an unfulfilled life to one full of joy and spontaneity, how to deal with the people who are critical of these choices and living life to the fullest.

This is part one of a two-part interview with Dave Cornwaithe. Be sure to check in tomorrow for the rest!

Right-click to download this episode directly

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In This Episode:

  • Hobie Kayaks (what are they?!)
  • How he went from couch potato to adventurer.
  • The Expedition 1000 project.
  • The ability to evolve and grow with our experiences.
  • How to deal with criticism.
  • Is he in fact, superhuman?

and much more!

Links Discussed in This Episode:

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I Need Your Help

Give a big thanks to Dave for coming on and sharing his transformational journey with us by clicking “Tweet This” below:

@DaveCorn shares his story of going from #Couchpotato to #explorer and #adventurer. It’s all about #travel and #joy. →

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