Bicycle Around America with Brian D’Apice


A lot of people bicycle ACROSS America. But that’s not what we’re talking about today.

You see Brian D’Aspice has done something a little different.

He’s bicycled AROUND America.

And the difference is about 9 THOUSAND miles!

Brian joins me today to chat about his trip, which he planned 90% of it in the first 30 minutes of having the idea! (the rest of the planning took over a year!)

He discusses his experiences raising money for charity, the amount he’s spent per day on accommodation (it’s impressive, even to me), and then we proceed to nerd out about all the stats he’s kept on his trip!

We’re releasing this as he is on his journey, so if you’re listening in real-time, make sure to see if you can’t meet up with him and ride a bit of his final routes!

Click here to download this episode directly

Interested in becoming Location Independent? Check out Location Indie, a community of people who share your dreams!

Today’s episode has been sponsored by our friends at Tortuga Backpacks!

Check out the entire library of EPoP Travel Podcasts on iTunes

In This Episode

  • 04:00 His recent routes
  • 09:20 How he ended up getting into biking
  • 11:50 Charities and Biking Around
  • 17:30 Planning and Prep
  • 22:00 How he finds his routes each day
  • 29:00 Was travel always something you were really interested in?
  • 38:55 Stat Nerdery
  • 46:00 Favorite experiences
  • 53:00 Storming mishaps
  • 56:00 What’s next?


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