16 Tips to Survive a Long-Haul Flight

Walking along the beach in Bali and gazing out over the expansive water was enough to make us dread our upcoming flight the next day.

A flight that would begin our 27-hour journey back to Philadelphia.

Flying home for the holidays sounded like a great idea — until it really sunk in that we would be in transit for longer then it takes most people to plan their entire trip.

Because this was not the first time, nor the last, that Trav and I would be embarking on such a long journey, we decided to make a list of all the things we do to make long-haul flights more enjoyable bearable. (more…)

How to Get Access to Any Airport Lounge (Without Being a Millionaire)

After checking your luggage, getting through security, and finding your gate, you settle down for a few minutes of rest before your flight.

But how are you supposed to relax when it’s noisy, your seat is dirty and uncomfortable, and the airport WiFi isn’t working?

You glance across the terminal and see a group of people relaxing in a lounge, separate from the noise and chaos of the terminal. If only you could somehow join this elite group of people, all the madness of the airport would fade away. (more…)

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