Hi, we’re Travis and Heather
And just like you, we like to travel… without breaking the bank.

The resident frequent flyer guru.
- Walk 2 hours in the rain instead of taking a $10 cab ride if he thinks he’s getting ripped off.
- Eat gelato 3x/day if left to his own devices.
- Study every neighborhood in every city he’s ever been to and try to buy real estate there.
- Get within 20 feet of birds.
- Ever remember to post on Instagram until it’s too late.
The resident culture and style guru.
- Scout out the best shopping in every city to score unique items
- Drink multiple cups of coffee in a day in order to find the best cafe
- Take a million pictures to capture the perfect moment
- Walk two hours to avoid a $10 cab ride
Trav & Heth
Since 2010, when we packed up our lives and moved to Japan to teach, we’ve been obsessed with traveling the world. We scraped by on a teacher’s salary, which did not give us a lot of extra money for traveling the world or even traveling from Tokyo back to Philadelphia to visit our families!
Trav’s obsessive and frugal personality coupled with a Google search for “how to get cheap flights” led him down the rabbit hole of frequent flyer miles (FFM). He spent the entirety of 2011 learning every single thing he could about FFM (instead of studying Japanese) and began blasting unsuspecting friends and family with emails about how they could get free plane tickets.
In 2012, he decided to make it official and start Extra Pack of Peanuts. Since then, EPOP has transformed into a wealth of information that helps our community of travel lovers find the best flights and experience the most amazing trips. Oh, and we’ve also got one of the world’s top-rated travel podcasts!
Our travel style has also changed. While we used to hop on any flight and stay in any hostel, much to Heather’s dismay, we now carefully plan out our travel to find the most convenient flight and most comfortable accomodation to fit our lifestyle and budget. Our goal is to help you do the same!
Everyone has different travel needs and expectations, and we want to help you make the most of your experiences by booking the right flights, packing effectively and making the most of your destination.
Anyone who knows Heather knows she has high expectations (or as she likes to say, “impeccable taste”), so if she approves of a place, you know it’s going to be good. While Trav likes more unique experiences no matter the comfort level, we try to recommend experiences that everyone can enjoy. You are really getting the best of both worlds—a frugal-minded individual (Trav) combined with someone who likes the finer things in life (Heth)—which is bound to satisfy both the epicurean and the economic travel enthusiast!
June 2010
Trav & Heather Got Married
August 2010
Moved to Japan to teach English. Didn’t speak the language nor know how to use chopsticks.
January 2011-Dec 2011
Instead of learning Japanese, Trav spent all his time researching about frequent flyer miles.
January 1, 2012
Started Extra Pack of Peanuts (how’s that for a New Year’s Resolution)!
August 2012
Left Japan. Still didn’t speak the language but could use chopsticks. “Moved” back to the US but were homeless nomadic.
April 2013
Launched the Extra Pack of Peanuts Podcast as a way to convince cool people in the travel world to talk to me.
August 2013
Launched the world’s first course on how to use frequent flyer miles, Frequent Flyer Bootcamp
January 2014
Scored our first mistake fare flight, a $125 roundtrip ticket to Milan.
June 2014
Launched the very first Paradise Pack with Jason Moore.
February 2015
Launched Location Indie
July 2015
Filmed our very own TV show in Switzerland
October 29, 2017
Our first child, Whit, was born.
February 2018
Launched Jetto, so others can score crazy mistake fare flights.
May 2018
Whit’s first international trip, to Budapest, where we first learned how hard it is to travel with a jet lagged baby.
August 2018
Trav flies out to Montana without a van…and returns home with Ole Bess